Baileys Irish Cream
Rp 600.000
Baileys Irish Cream is the original and world-renowned cream liqueur, expertly crafted in Ireland. This luxurious blend of rich dairy cream, fine Irish whiskey, and a hint of cocoa and vanilla creates a velvety smooth, indulgent taste experience.
Baileys is cherished for its creamy texture and delightful balance of flavors, offering a perfect harmony between the warmth of whiskey and the sweetness of chocolate and vanilla. Whether enjoyed over ice, in coffee or as a key ingredient in decadent desserts and cocktails, Baileys adds a touch of indulgence to every occasion.
With its iconic taste and versatility, Baileys Irish Cream has become a timeless favorite, embodying the spirit of indulgence and comfort. Perfect for sipping after dinner, mixing into festive drinks, or sharing with friends, Baileys offers a truly unforgettable experience in every sip.
3 in stock