Suntory Kakubin Yellow Label
Rp 750.000
700 ml
Originally produced in 1937, Kakubin Yellow Label is Suntory’s flagship blended whisky. Kakubin Yellow Label is a blend of bourbon-cask whisky with a sweet aroma, rich flavour and dry finish from Yamazaki and Hakushu.
That name, Kakubin referring to it’s “square bottle” with its unique tortoise-shell design has remained for over 80 years, a symbol of Suntory’s commitment to unwavering quality.
Suntory’s Kukubin Yellow Label Japanese whisky is a highly versatile whisky that’s perfect in a Japanese highball.
Get Suntory Kakubin Yellow Label delivered to your door within the hour! The Boogaloo alcohol delivery service runs 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
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